
Brought together (2)

Today’s update is the second part of a double post that aims at filling you in with some details of my life here. This part is the more academic part about conferences; the other part you can find here. As always, comments are welcome on all kinds of platforms. Conferences Conference. That is the key-word of this update. An English word originating from Latin con-ferre ‘together-bring’ (read: ‘bring together’), passing

Brought together (1)

Today’s update is the first part of a double post that aims at filling you in with some details of my life here. This part is the more pictoral part. The second part about conferences is more academic. As always, comments are welcome on all kinds of platforms. Where were we? Where were we again since last time? Ah yes, I was visited by friends from Japan. Well, lots of

A Visit From Japan

A long overdue update, but my friends have implored me to write it down. In the last update I talked about the Artsy Fartsy Afternoon I had after my Visit from Vietnam. Today my treat for you is a Visit from Japan and how I spent Chinese New Year 2016. Under the Bamboo Last year, my dear Japanese friend Takeshita 竹下 “Under the bamboo” came to visit me and

Artsy Fartsy Afternoons

During my winter holidays, I had some visits, like I mentioned before. In between, however, I had some fun doing some indoors activities in cold, wintery, rainy Taipei. In this update I will show you a lot of quite modern (or post-modern?) artworks I got to see (read: ‘lots of pictures’). So, let’s start with a nice January 28 afternoon that I spent exploring the buildings at the Nanhai Xueyuan

A Visit from Vietnam

Last update discussed the beginning of January and the beginning of my winter holiday. In this update I will report how I received a visitor from Vietnam and showed him around. Day 1: CKS I met my Vietnamese friend Quoc Anh during his study abroad in Belgium last year. In fact, you can read about some of his adventures on his blog. He’s got some family in Kaohsiung 高雄

Holiday celebrate

Hi everyone, I would like to start this post with a video of a recent earwurm: Madonna’s Holiday. It has been stuck in my head so much that it made it to title of this post. The video below features her dancing in the worst possible manner. So enjoy it, and then read the real content of this update: how I celebrated Christmas, New Year and the end of the

Scholars embarking on their scholarships

Here we are again - after a few weeks of battling the tasks imposed by finals. My friends had warned me before: ["waaaaa ni xiule 15 xuefen, ni qimo yiding hui bengkui 哇~~你修了15學分,你期末一定會崩潰”.]Apart from the very interesting usage

Pride & Ride

A long anticipated update of my blog. The last update was published almost a month ago. This time you are in for a treat (and a very long post, the way you like it!) Thoughtful readers will notice that a major change has taken place - this post is written in English. (There is a minor change as well in the way I upload pictures - but it is in

Warm October Nights

Liefste lezers, ik hoop dat jullie klaar zijn voor een nieuwe longread, na mijn vorige post over school, in beide etymologische betekenissen. Net als De Morgen kondig ik dit nu ook aan, maar ik geef jullie wel allemaal toegang tot mijn premium-content, in tegenstelling tot de voornoemde krant. Vandaag staan op het programma: een Japanse pizza party, een barbecue, een Nationale Feestdag, een basiscursus ‘hoe moet ik het orakel raadplegen’,

School: 1. Les 2. Vrije tijd

De ‘snelle’ update aangekondigd in de vorige post is er eindelijk! Vandaag heb ik het voornamelijk over school, in beide etymologische betekenissen: 1. academisch leven en lessen e.d.; 2. vrije tijd. Oorspronkelijk ging ik zes vakken volgen ( = 18 studiepunten), maar omdat dat werd beschouwd als een van de twaalf werken van Herakles, heb ik ondertussen 1 vak laten vallen. En terecht,