academic workflow

Setting up a clean project: the best practice I use

I’ve been settling in at my new job at the Language Development Lab at HKU, which I started physically in March 2021. I will soon do an update on my time in Hong Kong since then, but this post is written with future me in mind.

How I organize my notes

One of the basic skills people, but PhD students and academics in particular, need to cultivate is sharpening their research workflow. You need to cultivate this by just doing it, but also by reviewing it from time to time.

Tidy collostructions

tl ; dr In this post I look at the family of collexeme analysis methods originated by Gries and Stefanowitsch. Since they use a lot of Base R, and love

Handling research (Academic workflow 2)

Last time we did this, I showed you what my PLN looked like about a year ago. I advise you to read that first before you continue reading below. In today’s update I will lay out how I generally go about the processing of research.

Icons We Live By (Academic Workflow 1)

Let’s talk a bit about research. I know, I don’t often do that on this blog — some of you might even have the impression that this is only a