I’ve been settling in at my new job at the Language Development Lab at HKU, which I started physically in March 2021. I will soon do an update on my time in Hong Kong since then, but this post is written with future me in mind.
tl; dr I show why it is worthwile to put my Chinese-related datasets in packages and how I went about it. Introduction I don’t know if I’m very late to
tl; dr Below you find what we did during the Rbootcamp for Lexical Semanticists. In between this paragraph and the contents, there is a bit of my own #Rstory. Warning,
tl ; dr In this post I look at the family of collexeme analysis methods originated by Gries and Stefanowitsch. Since they use a lot of Base R, and love
tl; dr This double blog is first about the opening line of the Book of Odes, and later about how to deal with Chinese word segmentation, and my current implementation
tl; dr This double blog is first about the opening line of the Book of Odes, and later about how to deal with Chinese word segmentation, and my current implementation
#Goal The goal for this short update is to use the R package lingtypology (click here for the tutorial), in order to create a map that shows which for which